Update: Xlimit vol01 release.

Get Your very own now, Xlimit vol01 has been release by my very own graphic and multimedia community. so check it out now. The them is Moment in Life.

For the next issue, the theme is going to be "Bebas" or "Freedom". Let the creativities out of your mind.

Creative submission is welcome in the formed of visual imaging(digital or traditional), writings or articles and photography.

Last date for submission is on the first week of June, so gather your spirits and spread your creativity with extreme composure.

Size submission for the mags:-
One page - 567 x 567 pixels
Two page - 1134 pixel X 567 pixel

All image is RGB or Grayscale with the resolution of 72dpi.

Accepttance of submission is by sending your artwork in this file format:
Image: .jpg, .tif, .png, .gif, .pdf, .eps
Text: .doc, .txt, .rtf

All submission must be send to:
visual image and photography : xlimit@sifoo.com
Writing and Articles: 307mags@gmail.com

Include your tagname, website, and email address upon submission.



test berkata…
saya seniman jalanan. nak tanya apa, tanyalah , insyaallah saya jawab dgn berkat dari allah swt.

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