Update: v2

since the last revolt, i been addict in defining and constructing layers either digitally or binary. Here is the latest updates of kembara seniman jalanan v2. previously i uploaded v1 for seven days and got out with another, although it's still not passed validation. i'll learn to tidy up later.
and not to forget to preview some of recent digital graffiti work. just hanging tough.

ps: aiyaa lot of empty spaces...damn...get hold of it...what to put...what to do lho!!!


update no1!!!
customise this template and try to figure what to put. my feeds of favs url's disappear and "KAKES" kejap...adush manalah pegi dier ni.

update no2!!!
has insert my favourites comic digest and del.ic.ious blog. A disclaimer, tag by zoomcloud and a glance of my recent post. not so sure what to put up next. maybe adsense or just leave it like it would be. maybe i'll line up my favorite and inspire artblog links to share. so now take a rest.

update no3!!!
succesfully create the admin button where else i don't have to type in the url's. thanks a lot to the blogger hacks and u won't see any of the admin buttons if you are not login as this blog members or owner.



test berkata…
need comments and feedback on this template, guys report any bugs and error that you guys find.

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