CRADLE Projekt

What, CRADLE Projekt? Cradle stands for Corak Rekabentuk Alternatif Dalam Lakaran Ekspresif/Alternative Design Pattern in Expressive Perspective.

What, CRADLE Projekt? Cradle stands for Corak Rekabentuk Alternatif Dalam Lakaran Ekspresif/Alternative Design Pattern in Expressive Perspective.

The projekt is devoted to all blogger that use blog/web as a medium to express their creativitism and idealism in Art, Illustration, Graphics, Comics Activities.

It's a small step taken by a art assemblage that called themselves Kembara as a medium for all Artist, Illustrator, Graphics Designer, Comicus to expressed their creativity. go here and check this projekt artblogger.

This compilation of artwork will be bound into a book manuscript for the reference of all fans and activists of graphic and fine art artists.

Will be booked in 100 copies only and sold at a price of RM120. Pre-sale orders for this book have been opened.

UPDATES: 17 April 2006. All pre-sale book orders have been sold out. Kudos to all the patrons who support this movement.


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