Bismillahi 2006 Wassalamu 2005...
A step further to a greater exploration of creative and artistic assemblage...
may the walk be enlightened and accompany by the prayer to the Creative One...

2005 left a great experience to this blog journey...
to all blog supporter and this blog haters...
u all make this blog journey colourful...
with prime colours include black and white...

2006 add a little spice to this blog...
favourites blog reading compiled to a digest for the viewers...
going to update the 2006 brand for this blog to...
and hope all the experience shared here left a single message to the viewers...

and also has to shut off the shoutbox...
it's really a pain in the arse as to see lots of Barua(anonymous) write there...
why are they afraid to use their own name or nick to write there...
again to them, from the IP that you're using i can know who you are...
stop being a Barua and face your life and lived as a normal person...
for me it's just sleeping with the enemy...
when i know who they are but as a normal person i won't do nothing...
except pray for their happiness...
may all the happiness be with them...

as to all who know seniman jalanan...
keep revolting...



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